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Analysis for Individual Parameters
Check the quality of your water quickly and easily - specifically and precisely for individual parameters.
Whether tap water, pool water, crushed ice or water from cooling towers, water meters or water dispensers - we analyze all these samples and more, reliably and professionally.
Would you like to test your water for a specific parameter or add another value to an existing analysis package? Our individual parameter analyses offer you the perfect solution for accurately testing water quality.
Our Individual Parameters

Test for the individual parameter chlorine (free chlorine and total chlorine).
(DIN EN ISO 7393)

Clostridium perfringens
Test for the individual parameter Clostridium perfringens.
(DIN EN ISO 14189)

Coliform Bacteria
Test for the individual parameter coliform bacteria.
(DIN EN ISO 9308)

E. coli
Test for the individual parameter Escherichia coli (E. coli).
(DIN EN ISO 9308)

Electric Conductivity
Test for the individual parameter electric conductivity.
(DIN EN 27888)

Test for the individual parameter enterococci.
(DIN EN ISO 7899)

Microbial Count 22°C
Test for the individual parameter microbial count 22°C.
(DIN EN ISO 6222)

Microbial Count 36°C
Test for the individual parameter microbial count 36°C.
(DIN EN ISO 6222)

Test for the individual parameter Legionella spp.
(DIN EN ISO 11731, TrinkwV § 31, DIN 19643, BImSchV, IfSchG, UBA Empfehlung)

Test for the individual parameter pH.
(DIN EN ISO 10523)

Pseudomonas aeruginosa
Test for the individual parameter Pseudomonas aeruginosa.
(DIN EN ISO 16266)

Test for the individual parameter turbidity.
(DIN EN ISO 7027)
and more...
Like what you see? Contact us today to discuss your water analysis needs!
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